Asymptotic code
IDRA is an asymptotic code based on the Uniform geometrical Theory of Diffraction (UTD). It allows calculating the radiation of antennas located in the vicinity of electrically large structures. It is fully hybridized with the Graphical User Interface GID. The Pre and Post-processing GID functionalities offer powerful tools allowing the user to design and select geometrical complex 3D structures, to define the electromagnetic data and to visualise the 2D and 3D results of simulation.
Graphical User Interface
More than 200 graphical functionalities are accessible in GID. The complex 3D objects design (CAD) is easily managed by the user, using the NURBS representation of surfaces. Common standard CAD formats can be imported (IGES,VDA) in IDRA.
Electromagnetic Data Definition
- The IDRA electromagnetic parameters are defined by :
- Source description (MoM, pattern, plane wave, arrays…)
- Materials properties,
- Selection of the electromagnetic contributions,
- Selection of the contributors (surfaces, wedges, vertices)
- Output description.
The physical analysis of the electromagnetic solution is easily accessible by independent selection of the