Since few months, IEEA has a brand new logo.
Just in case somebody encounters one of the previous logos, there is a brief history of IEEA logos :
Since few months, IEEA has a brand new logo.
Just in case somebody encounters one of the previous logos, there is a brief history of IEEA logos :
Together with University Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC, Paris), IEEA is involved in antenna HF calculations. The recent developments included in our ICARE antenna software allow considering surface wave propagation over very large distances for a medium presenting surface impedance discontinuities.
The design of a dual band 54 – 110 GHz radiometer has been completed. This radiometer is being manufactured and will be measured in a near future at ASTRIUM Toulouse. This study has been realized for ESA / ESTEC under ASTRIUM leadership.
A new version of the Global Ionospheric Scintillation Model (GISM), including new functionalities has been developed and will be soon made available on the ITU web site.
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