IEEA is prime contractor of the Monitor project launched by ESA / ESTEC in 2010. This project aims to improve our knowledge of ionospheric variability and disturbances through the development of specific GNSS receiver, the deployment of a set of receivers worldwide distributed, and the analysis of data, both TEC and scintillations. A particular attention is given to extreme scintillation events. On occurrence of such an event, the signal will continue to be recorded using a bitgrabber, activated upon exceeding a given threshold for subsequent analysis. The Monitor GNSS receivers provide hourly data files which are sent to a Central Archiving Processing Facility and processed in near real time. The outputs are generated by a number of processors developed for Monitor for some of them or in the frame of previous studies for the others.
The measurement campaign has now been initiated. It is planned to last 18 months, operating consequently for the next peak of the solar cycle. First results will be presented at Navitec symposium at ESA / ESTEC December 2012.
Reference :
More information about the Monitor project can be found in this paper.
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