IEEA - Theoritical Studies in Electromagnetism

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Most of IEEA activities led to numerous publications. Here is a list of the important publications. If the pdf file is available, it is possible to view the full text.



Y. Béniguel et al., "MONITOR Ionospheric Network: two case studies on scintillation and electron content variability", Ann. Geophys., 35, 377-391, 2017 [pdf]



Y. Béniguel, M. Darces, M. Hélier, A. Reineix, P. Pouliguen, "A surface wave radar simulator", EUCAP 2016, Davos, April 2016 [pdf]



Y. Béniguel, M. Darces, M. Hélier, A. Reineix, "A Global Tool for the Prediction of HF Surface Wave Propagation", Journées scientifiques Envirem 2015, Supélec, Juin 2015 [pdf]

M. Hernández-Pajares, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, Y. Béniguel, A. Garcia-Rigo, J. Kinrade, K. Kauristie, R. Orus-Perez, S. Schlueter, D. Serant, B. Nava, A. Krankowski, H. Secretan, R. Sampedro, X. Prats , “MONITOR ionospheric monitoring system: analysis of perturbed days affecting SBAS performance”, ION PNT Honolulu, April 2015 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, M. Hernandez-Pajares, A. Garcia-Rigo, R. Orus-Perez, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, S. Schlueter, H.Secretan, M. Monnerat, D. Serant, “MONITOR Ionospheric Monitoring System: GNSS Performance Estimation”, European Navigation Conference, Bordeaux, April 2015 [pdf]

P. Hamel, JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, JC. Joly, " Comparison of 3D and 2D method to study the propagation in a U-shaped valley", EUCAP 2015, Lisbon, April 2015 [pdf]



P. Hamel, D. Sambou, M. Darces, Y. Beniguel, M. Hélier, " Kriging method to perform Scintillation maps based on measurement and GISM model" Radio Science, 2014 [DOI]

Y. Béniguel, M. Darces, C. Djoma, M. Hélier, A. Reineix, J. Avella Castiblanco, "Prediction of HF wave propagation for "over the horizon" radar application", IEEE International Conference on Antennas Measurements and Applications (CAMA), Antibes - Juan les Pins, November 2014 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, R. Prieto - Cerdeira, S. Schlüter, R. Orus - Perez, "The Monitor Project", African School on Space Science, Kigali, Rwanda, July 2014 [pdf slides]

Y. Béniguel, "Global Ionospheric Scintillation Model", African School on Space Science, Kigali, Rwanda, July 2014 [pdf slides]

P. Hamel, D. C. Sambou, M. Darces, Y. Beniguel, M. Hélier, "Kriging Method Combined with GISM to Generate Ionospheric Scintillation Map", EUCAP 2014, The Hague, April 2014 [pdf]

JP. Adam, P. Hamel, M. Romier, "Better Multiband Horn Antenna Design by Using the Real Modal Content at Input", EUCAP 2014, The Hague, April 2014 [pdf]



D. Serant, S. Rougerie, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, Y. Béniguel, "Analysis of Bitgrabber Data Affected by Equatorial Ionospheric Scintillation Events During 2013 Solar Maximum", 6th European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signals Processing, Munich, December 2013 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, P. Hamel, C. Sambou, M. Darces, M. Hélier, " Ionosphere Scintillation mapping", Beacon Satellite Symposium, Bath, July 2013 [pdf slides]

Y. Béniguel, M. Darces, M. Hélier, N. Payet, "Radiation and Propagation in the Context of HF Over-The-Horizon Radar", EUCAP 2013, Goteborg, April 2013 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, "Propagation Errors and Scintillation on Trans - Ionospheric Links", EUCAP 2013, Goteborg, April 2013 [pdf]



Y. Béniguel, M. Angling, E. Banfi, C. Bourga, M. Cueto, R. Fleury, A. Garcia-Rigo, P. Hamel, R. Hartmann, M. Hernández-Pajares, N. Jakowski, K. Kauristie, R. Orus, R. Prieto-Cerdeira, JJ. Valette, M. van de Kamp, "Ionospheric Effects on GNSS performance", Navitec Symposium, Noordwijk, December 2012 [pdf]

P. Hamel, JP. Adam, G. Kubické, P. Pouliguen, "Design of a stealth wind turbine", LAPC 2012 Proceedings, Loughborough, November 2012 [pdf]

JP. Adam, G. Kubické, R.Hémon, "Iterative Physical Optics GPU Accelerated", EUROEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, July 2012 [pdf]

JP. Adam, JM. Lopez, B. Pecqueux, P. Viars, "Receiving Antennas Analyzed with FDTD and the Theorem of Reciprocity", EUROEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, July 2012 [pdf]

D. Asfaux, X. Ferrières, B. Pecqueux, "FETD vs. FDTD : Application to a Large Building Illuminated by an EMP", EUROEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, July 2012 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, "Antenna radiation in the Presence of an Infinite Interface", ANTEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, June 2012 [pdf]

P. Hamel, JP. Adam, G. Kubické, P. Pouliguen, "An improved Hybridization Technique of Geometrical Optics Physical Optics", ANTEM 2012 Proceedings, Toulouse, June 2012 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, P. Hamel, "Ionosphere Scintillation Modelling / Satellite Navigation Impairments & Radar Observations", EUCAP Symposium, Prague, March 2012 [pdf]



JP. Adam, P. Hamel, I. Albert, M. Romier, Y. Béniguel, "Design and Manufacturing of Non-Circular Spline-Profile Horns", 33rd ESA Antenna Workshop, Noordwijk, October 2011 [pdf]

L. Costes, JC. Orlhac, JM. Goutoule, JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, M. van der Vorst, "A 54/118 GHz Dual-Frequency Feed for Earth Observation Applications", 33rd ESA Antenna Workshop, Noordwijk, October 2011 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, P. Hamel, "A global ionosphere scintillation propagation model for equatorial regions", Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2011 [pdf] [DOI]

R. Prieto Cerdeira, Y. Béniguel, "The MONITOR project: architecture, data and products", Ionospheric Effects Symposium, Alexandria VA, May 2011 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, "Modeling global ionosphere and inhomogeneities", C. R. Physique 12 (2011) 180–185 [author's draft pdf]

Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, A. Bourdillon, P. Lassudrie-Duchesne, "Ionosphere scintillation effects on navigation systems", C. R. Physique 12 (2011) 186–191 [author's draft pdf]



Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, M. Darces, F. Jangal, "Propagation par onde de sol en HF et VHF", Electromagnétisme et guerre électronique, Toulouse, November 2009 [pdf slides]

Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, N. Jakowski, T. Noack, V. Wilken, JJ. Valette, M. Cueto, A. Bourdillon, P. Lassudrie-Duchesne, B. Arbesser-Rastburg, "Analysis of scintillation recorded during the PRIS measurement campaign", Radio Sci., 44, September 2009

Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Ionospheric Equatorial Scintillation Characteristics", Galileo Workshop, Padova, 2009 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel et al., "Ionospheric scintillation monitoring and modelling", Annals of Geophysics, vol. 52, n. 3/4, June/August 2009, [pdf]

JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, "Source millimétrique bi-fréquence", SEE Antennes non-standard, Paris, 2009 [pdf] 

Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, R. Prieto - Cerdeira, B. Arbesser - Rastburg, "Ionospheric Scintillations at L & C Bands", EUCAP09, Berlin, March 2009 [pdf]

JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, L. Costes, M. Van der Vorst, "52/119 GHz Corrugated Horn Design for Earth Observation Applications", EUCAP09, Berlin, March 2009 [pdf]

JP. Adam, JC. Joly, B. Pecqueux, D. Asfaux, "The reciprocity theorem applied to find the best coupling incidence", C. R. Physique 10 (2009) 65–69 [author's draft pdf]



S. Lannelongue, H. Guichon, Y. Béniguel, M. Crisci, "Characterisation of Scintillation effect on Galileo Sensor Station Continuity of Service", GNSS08, Toulouse, 2008 [pdf]

JP. Adam, JC. Joly, B. Pecqueux, D. Asfaux, "Recherche de la direction d’incidence de plus fort couplage a l’aide du theoreme de reciprocite", CEM08 Proceedings, Paris, 2008 [pdf] 



Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, B. Arbesser-Rastburg, A. J. Van Dierendonck, "Analysis of Scintillations recorded in the equatorial regions", Beacon Satellite Symposium, Boston, 2007 [pdf slides]

L. Costes, JC. Orlhac, JM. Goutoule, JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, M. van der Vorst, "Multi-frequency Feeds for Earth Observation Applications", EUCAP07 Proceedings, Edimburgh, 2007 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Time Series Generators to Simulate Earth Satellite Links Affected by Scintillations", EUCAP07 Proceedings, Edimburgh, 2007 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Ionosphere Scintillations and their Effect on the Positioning", 1st Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme, Toulouse, 2007 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Effects of Scintillations in GNSS Operation", chapter 3.5 in the book by J. Lilensten, "Space Weather - Research towards Applications in Europe", Springer, 2007 [pdf]  



JC. Joly, B. Pecqueux, Y. Béniguel, D. Asfaux, A. Reineix, C. Guiffaut, "Etude Parametrique du Couplage de Micro-Ondes sur des Pistes Electroniques", CEM06 Proceedings, St Malo, 2006 [pdf]

JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, B. Pecqueux, JC. Joly, A. Reineix, "Utilisation de l’UTD pour des problèmes de couplage externe et interne sur une structure quelconque", CEM06 Proceedings, St Malo, 2006 [pdf]

F. Kosdikian, Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, G.P. Piau, I. Terrasse, "Security of Aircraft in the Future European Environment « SAFEE »", EUCAP06 Proceedings, Nice, 2006 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, T. Noack, N. Jakowski, E. Sardon, JJ. Valette, A. Bourdillon, P. Lassudrie-Duchesne, B. Arbesser-Rastburg, "Signal Scintillations in the Low Latitudes and High Latitudes Regions", EUCAP06 Proceedings, Nice, 2006 [pdf]

P. Brachat, R. Bills, P. Ratajczak, C. Sabatier, E. Seguenot, P. Bongibault, J. Mailleux, T. Vitte, Y. Béniguel, "A Compact On-board Aircraft Sectorial Antenna", EUCAP06 Proceedings, Nice, 2006 [pdf]

JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, "IEEA Contribution", Workshop « EM » JINA 2006 Proceedings, Nice, 2006 [pdf]  



Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, K. Van't Klooster, L. Costes, "Design Realization and Measurements of a High Performance Wide-Band Corrugated Horn", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 53, No. 11, November 2005

Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, K. Van't Klooster, L. Costes, "Design Realisation and Measurements of a High Performance Wideband Corrugated Horn", ANTEM05 Proceedings, St Malo, 2005 [pdf]

JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, "UTD asymptotic code used for antenna implementation on electrically large structures", ANTEM05 Proceedings, St Malo, 2005 [pdf]

F. Molinet, H. Steve, JP. Adam, "State of the Art in Computational Methods for the Prediction of Radar Cross Sections and Antenna-Platform Interactions", Comptes Rendus Physique de l'Academie des Sciences, 2005, pp. 626-639 [pdf]  



Y. Béniguel, B. Forte, S. M. Radicella, H. J. Strangeways, V. E. Gherm, N. N. Zernov, "Scintillations effects on satellite to Earth links for telecommunication and navigation purposes", Annals of Geophysics, supplement to vol. 47, N. 2/3, 2004 [pdf]

J. Geiswiller, E. Kerherve, W. Tabbara, B. Pecqueux, M. Helier, JC. Joly, D. Lecointe, JP. Vannel, N. Rouvrais, D. Asfaux, Y. Béniguel, "Susceptibilite Electromagnetique d’un Deploiement Complexe de Structures", CEM04 Proceedings, Toulouse, 2004 [pdf]

JP. Adam, J. Geiswiller, Y. Béniguel, "Couplage entre antennes sur porteur", CEM04 Proceedings, Toulouse, 2004 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, J. Geiswiller, JP. Adam, C. Sarrou, C. Sajous, T. De Maeyer, "The effects of scintillations on the positioning errors", 2nd CNES workshop on Earth-Space Propagation, Toulouse, 2004 [pdf]

J. Geiswiller, JP. Adam, Y. Béniguel, "IDRA/GID 3D asymptotic code for the modelling of the antenna pattern in the vicinity of large structures", 2nd Conference on Advances and Applications of GiD, Barcelona, 2004 [pdf] [pdf GID web]



Y. Béniguel, JP. Adam, "Characterisation of Ionosphere Scintillations - PLL and DLL Errors at Receiver Level", Atmospheric Remote Sensing Conference Proceedings, Matera, 2003 [pdf]  



Y. Béniguel, "Global Ionospheric Propagation Model (GIM): a propagation model for scintillations of transmitted signals", Radio Science, Volume 37, N° 3, May 2002

Y. Béniguel, A. Berthon, K. Van't Klooster, L. Costes, "Design of High Performance Wideband Corrugated Horn", IEEE AP-S Symposium Proceedings, San Antonio, 2002 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, G. Berginc, "Une revue des techniques utilisees pour le calcul de la diffraction par les surfaces rugueuses aleatoires", Journees d'etudes sur la propagation electromagnetique dans l'atmosphere : du decametrique a l'angstrom, Rennes, 2002 [pdf]  



Y. Béniguel, J. Deagostini, R. Lenormand, "EMC Analysis between Antennas on a Satellite Payload", AP2000 Millienium Conference Proceedings, Davos, 2000 [pdf]  



G. Berginc, Y. Béniguel, B. Chevalier, "Small slope approximation method : Higher order contributions for scattering from conducting 3D surfaces", SPIE99 Proceedings, Denver, 1999 [pdf]



D. Asfaux, Y. Béniguel, B. Pecqueux, "Modélisation de milieux de propagation dispersifs dans un code D.F.D.T", CEM98 Proceedings, Brest, 1998 [pdf]



Y. Béniguel, "Model of developement of inhomogeneities inside the ionosphere", ESA Symposium Proceedings on "Environment Modelling for Space-based Applications", Noordwijk, September 1996 [pdf]

D. Asfaux, Y. Béniguel, "Modélisation de panneaux minces en matériaux composites multicouches et anisotropes dans un code D.F.D.T.", CEM96 Proceedings, Lille, septembre 1996 [pdf]



M. Fournier, M. Soiron, Y. Béniguel, "Model of propagation in random media", EUROEM 94 Proceedings, Bordeaux, 1994 [pdf]



Y. Béniguel, "Courant induit par une onde incidente sur un conducteur rectiligne et filiforme situé au voisinage du sol - première partie", Annales des Télécommunications, tome 37, no 1-2, Janvier-Février 1982 [pdf]

Y. Béniguel, "Courant induit par une onde incidente sur un conducteur rectiligne et filiforme situé au voisinage du sol - deuxième partie", Annales des Télécommunications, tome 37, no 3-4, Mars-Avril 1982 [pdf]

Last Updated on Sunday, 14 May 2017 12:18
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